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how to get serial date numbers?

1 view (last 30 days)
UPT on 16 Sep 2012
hello.i have a structure like this: data = struct('Date', {cell(2208,1)}, 'Hour', {zeros(2208,1)}, 'DryBulb', {zeros(2208,1)}, 'DewPnt', {zeros(2208,1)}, 'SYSLoad', {zeros(2208,1)}, 'NumDate', {zeros(2208,1)});.. 'Date' has 92 days and 'Hour' has 24 hours,from 1 to can i express 'Date' and 'Hour' in serial date numbers and to present these serial date numbers in 'NumDate'?thank you

Accepted Answer

per isakson
per isakson on 16 Sep 2012
Edited: per isakson on 20 Sep 2012
sdn = bsxfun( @plus, [0:91], transpose([0:23]/24) );
datestr( sdn(1 ), 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS' )
datestr( sdn(end), 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS' )
data.NumDate = sdn(:);
--- Working code in response to comment ---
Try this
sd1 = datenum( ' 1 Jan 2004', 'dd mmm yyyy' );
sd2 = datenum( '31 Mar 2004', 'dd mmm yyyy' );
sdn = bsxfun( @plus, [sd1:1:sd2], transpose([0:23]/24) );
datestr( sdn( 1), 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS' )
datestr( sdn(end), 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS' )
This code avoids round-off errors in sdn(1,:)
>> sdn( 1, 1:5 )
ans =
731947 731948 731949 731950 731951
>> all( sdn(1,1:5) == [ 731947, 731948, 731949, 731950, 731951 ] )
ans =
Whether it is wise to rely on this for comparisons is questionable
And to make sdn a column vector
sdn = sdn(:);
per isakson
per isakson on 19 Sep 2012
Edited: per isakson on 20 Sep 2012
A hint is a hint nothing more. I'm convinced one should not use code, which one doesn't understand. Seriously, there is nothing in my hint that could possibly account for your dates.
See my answer above
UPT on 19 Sep 2012
thank you very much per isakson..:)..i did a mistake with the first code but anyway, thank you again..:)

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