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Sampling of the cylinder in cylindrical coordinates

3 views (last 30 days)
Hi everyone, I am struggling in creating and sampling of a cylinder in cylindrical coordinates, I used cylinder() func but it gives a cylinder just in a height of 1, whereas I need a variable heights... And after that I need to be able to sample the cylinder in both Z axis and theta axis

Answers (2)

Ryan G
Ryan G on 18 Sep 2012
This is all very well explained in the doc, but here it goes.
[X,Y,Z] = cylinder(r,n); %r is radius n is number of points oyu want
[THETA,RHO,ZP] = cart2pol(X,Y,Z); %convert to polar coordinates
If you want to adjust the height you simply adjust Z in either polar or cartesian coordinate. You can use a gain:
Z = Z*1.5;
or a bias:
Z = Z + 5;
If you want to re-plot the data try

Rashid on 19 Sep 2012
but plotting is done just in cartesian, what about cylindrical coordinates? and what about sampling?


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