Matlab output is not matching with the mathematics...

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But output is not coming as expected.if you observe the frequency spectrum of both they are not same.
Why it is happening ?
per isakson
per isakson on 25 Nov 2019
Edited: per isakson on 25 Nov 2019
Which values do you use for f1, f2 and t ? What differences do you see? Are they large compared to the expected floating point error?
KALYAN ACHARJYA on 25 Nov 2019
This is not a valid Matlab statement.

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Accepted Answer

David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson on 25 Nov 2019
Edited: David Goodmanson on 25 Nov 2019
Hi Hari,
the problem is that 2*pi*f*t is a nice linear function of t for all t, but the output of acos is restricted to the range
0<= acos <pi. With
t = 0:.001:5;
f1 =1;
S1 = cos(2*pi*f1*t);
arg1 = acos(S1)
grid on
you will see that the two quanities agree at the beginning, but acos gets chopped up as t increases.
If you compare the cosines of (2*pi*f1*t) and arg1, then those agree as they must. But with cos(arg1-arg2) you are taking the cosine of the difference of two chopped up quantities with different periods, and it doesn't work.
Hari Ijjada
Hari Ijjada on 25 Nov 2019
i am trying to develop the algorithim to provide the deviation in the phase or frequency b/w two signals.
if you see the above problem,there is a deviation between my two inputs
By taking these two signals as inputs i want to find the f_delta value.
This f_delta value is not varies from time to time.Whatever the value it is i have to track the f_delta.
For this purpose i used complex muliplication process.
exp(1i*(2*pi*(fc+f_del)*t)) , exp(-1j*2*pi*fc*t)
if i multiply these two signals output should be exp(1j*2*pi*f_del*t)
real value of the output is---cos(2*pi*f_del*t)
this is output is i will use for the further blocks.
but I am not getting as expected(expected output is cos(2*pi*f_del*t) ).
How to find the desired output ?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 25 Nov 2019
i followed this process........x1=acos(Signal1)....acos------>gives inverse of the Signal1.......2*pi*fc*t
That process is incorrect. acos(cos(2*pi*fc*t)) does not give 2*pi*fc*t outside of t in [0, 1/(2*fc)]

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More Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 25 Nov 2019
Not correct. As you increase t past one period, acos(cos(x)) becomes mod(x,period) rather than x. Those mod() of the two components interact with each other.
  1 Comment
Hari Ijjada
Hari Ijjada on 25 Nov 2019
Can you please help me solving this issue ...
i am trying to develop the algorithim to provide the deviation in the phase or frequency b/w two signals.
if you see the above problem,there is a deviation between my two inputs
By taking these two signals as inputs i want to find the f_delta value.
This f_delta value is not varies from time to time.Whatever the value it is i have to track the f_delta.
For this purpose i used complex muliplication process.
exp(1i*(2*pi*(fc+f_del)*t)) , exp(-1j*2*pi*fc*t)
if i multiply these two signals output should be exp(1j*2*pi*f_del*t)
real value of the output is---cos(2*pi*f_del*t)
this is output is i will use for the further blocks.
but I am not getting as expected(expected output is cos(2*pi*f_del*t) ).
How to find the desired output ?

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