Manually Plotting the graph from R-CNN training parameters

3 views (last 30 days)
Hi Guys
I have a problem when i want to make a graph for the training phase like between Epoch & Mini-batch Loss
Herein the code
smokedetection = selectLabels(gTruth,'car');
if isfolder(fullfile('TrainingData'))
cd TrainingData
mkdir TrainingData
options = trainingOptions('sgdm', ...
'MiniBatchSize', 32, ...
'InitialLearnRate', 1e-6, ...
'MaxEpochs', 10);
layers = [
imageInputLayer([32 32 3],"Name","imageinput")
convolution2dLayer([5 5],32,"Name","conv","BiasLearnRateFactor",2,"Padding",[2 2 2 2],"WeightsInitializer","narrow-normal")
maxPooling2dLayer([3 3],"Name","maxpool","Stride",[2 2])
averagePooling2dLayer([3 3],"Name","avgpool","Stride",[2 2])
trainingData = objectDetectorTrainingData(smokedetection,'SamplingFactor',1,...
detector = trainRCNNObjectDetector(trainingData, layers, options, ...
'NegativeOverlapRange', [0 0.3]);
[detector,info] = trainRCNNObjectDetector('Epoch','Mini-batch Loss','Training Accuracy','Base Learning Rate','Mini-batch Accuracy');
x = ('Epoch');
y = ('Mini-batch Loss');
title('Training Phase')
xlabel('Number of Epochs')
ylabel('Training Loss')
Error using trainRCNNObjectDetector
Expected input number 1, trainingData, to be one of these types:
Error in vision.internal.cnn.validation.checkGroundTruth (line 2)
validateattributes(gt, {'table'},{'nonempty'}, name, 'trainingData',1);
Error in trainRCNNObjectDetector>parseInputs (line 311)
vision.internal.cnn.validation.checkGroundTruth(trainingData, fname);
Error in trainRCNNObjectDetector (line 248)
[network, params] = parseInputs(trainingData, network, options, mfilename, varargin{:});
Error in TrainingSmokeDetectionwithRCNN (line 29)
[detector,info] = trainRCNNObjectDetector('Epoch','Mini-batch Loss','Training Accuracy','Base
Learning Rate','Mini-batch Accuracy');

Accepted Answer

Raunak Gupta
Raunak Gupta on 2 Dec 2019
The trainingOptions for trainRCNNObjectDetector does not support plotting the train-progress while the training is going on, but the training parameters are returned at the end of training if trainRCNNObjectDetector is used with following arguments.
[detector,info] = trainRCNNObjectDetector(___)
In the script from the question following command looks incorrect,
[detector,info] = trainRCNNObjectDetector('Epoch','Mini-batch Loss','Training Accuracy','Base Learning Rate','Mini-batch Accuracy');
instead the above can be replaced by
[detector,info] = trainRCNNObjectDetector(trainingData, layers, options, 'NegativeOverlapRange', [0 0.3]);
Here info will be returned as a structure which contains the ‘Training Accuracy’, ‘Training Loss’ and ‘Base Learning Rate’ for each iteration. These can be then plotted as per required. The error was there because correct input arguments weren’t passed.
Abdussalam Elhanashi
Abdussalam Elhanashi on 5 Dec 2019
reference to this issue i already plot many graphs even for the example using the RCNN for stop sign by Matlab but i got fluactuation AS SHOWN IN IMAGE is it possible to improve it for the given code?
Training Loss.jpg
Raunak Gupta
Raunak Gupta on 5 Dec 2019
The loss is calculated for each mini batch that is why the fluctuation is there. You may use smooth to remove too many fluctuations.

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