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PLC Coder Timer Tia Portal

3 views (last 30 days)
zara8783 on 12 Dec 2019
Answered: Sri Kapali on 18 Feb 2022
I generated a Stateflow code with PLC Coder. In the Stateflow I created a delay. We loaded this generated PLC code into Tia Portal and additionally received a function block PLC Coder Timer. How can I use it so that it is time-controlled like in Stateflow?

Answers (1)

Sri Kapali
Sri Kapali on 18 Feb 2022
We added an option in R2020b where you can specify whether the generated code uses the target IDE timer implementation or Simulink timer implmmenetation (Target-Independent Counter).


Find more on Simulink PLC Coder in Help Center and File Exchange


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