thanks you for your answer !!
but, i am a beginner. can you explain this ?
1°) why we must have "fs = 10" ? because we have a total time of 10 ? (t(end)-t(1) ?
2°) i don't understand this line : "[N,Wn] = buttord(2*[0.5 3.5]/fs,2*[1 3]/fs,0.1,3);"
N ===> is the order of the filter 2*[1 3]/fs ===> is the range of frequencies that i want to cut 0.1 ===> maximal attenuation 3 ===> minimal attenuation
but, what is 2*[0.5 3.5]/fs ??? i don't understand how you choice this ?
why 0.5 and 3.5 ???
=> with you don't choice 0.3 3 for example ?