Clear Filters
Clear Filters


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Can anyone help with code for this problem

2 views (last 30 days)
Xanm ft
Xanm ft on 8 Jan 2020
Closed: MATLAB Answer Bot on 20 Aug 2021
How do you write code to find row/column of first time a number appears in matrix
Eg for [ 1 2 2; 3 3 5;6 6 7; 5 3 3;4 5 4]
The first time 4 appears is in the first column of the fifth row. Is there a way to code for this to solve this in a massive matrix?

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 8 Jan 2020
unique() with first and second outputs and 'first' option.
The first output will be a list of values. The second will be the corresponding linear index.
You might want to ind2sub() the linear indices.

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