![How to shade time intervall - 2020 01 09.png](https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/260906/How%20to%20shade%20time%20intervall%20-%202020%2001%2009.png)
How to shade time intervall
5 views (last 30 days)
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Martin Muehlegger
on 9 Jan 2020
Answered: Star Strider
on 9 Jan 2020
I would like to shade specific time ranges(intervalls) which are created from a datamatrix in a for loop according to there indexes. I have the datetimes (begin and end of the intervall)
the Face (should be alpha = 0.2) and the y axis could be the whole plot domain or even better +- a certain mean value which I have as well.
goal is to have 5 different patches/areas on my timeseries
patch doesn't support datetime
fill/area etc. I couldn't find any satisfying solution
x = date;
y = CAL.stick_Data.stick_duty_cps;
k = 1; % placeholder in loop plot for row of CalibrationA(:,1)
for m= Markeridx'
hold all;
set(gcf,'units','points','position',[100,100,700,500]) % figure position on screen and size is the saved figuresize!
caption = sprintf('y = %f * x + %f', p(1), p(2));
text(xt, yt, caption, 'FontSize', 12, 'Color', 'k', 'FontWeight', 'bold','interpreter','latex');
xlabel('ppbv ','interpreter','latex'); %FC_cal/FC_zeroair *1000
idx = idx+1;
legend({'21.02264', '33.03350', '39.03321', '42.03382',...
'45.03350', '59.04914', '63.02629', '69.06988', '73.06480',...
'78.04640', '79.05422', '81.06988', '87.08045', '93.06988',...
'107.08553', '121.10118', '135.11683', '137.13248', '203.94361',...
a = axes;
t1 = title('Gas calibration dilution steps from subset A','interpreter','latex'); % Make sure to change titel after changing susbets
a.Visible = 'off'; % set(a,'Visible','off');
t1.Visible = 'on'; % set(t1,'Visible','on');
filter(1) = area([datetime(CALtime(1,3)) datetime(CALtime(1,end)) datetime(CALtime(1,end)) datetime(CALtime(1,3))],'FaceColor','r','Edgecolor','none', 'FaceAlpha',.3);
hold off;
Here is my figure without the shaded areas![figure.jpg](https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/260883/figure.jpeg)
Accepted Answer
Star Strider
on 9 Jan 2020
Try this:
time = datetime('17:00','InputFormat','HH:mm'):minutes(1):datetime('18:00','InputFormat','HH:mm'); % Create Vector
time.Format = 'HH:mm';
cps = randn(1, numel(time))*0.1 + sin(2*pi*(0:numel(time)-1)/45); % Create Vector
fillfcn = @(timerange,colour,lo,hi) fill([time(timerange) fliplr(time(timerange))], [ones(size(time(timerange)))*lo ones(size(time(timerange)))*hi], colour, 'FaceAlpha',0.2); % Function Ot Create ‘fill’ Regions
plot(time, cps)
hold on
fillfcn((10:20), 'r', 0.5, 1.2)
fillfcn((30:50), 'g', -1.3, -0.7)
hold off
With the test code, it produces:
![How to shade time intervall - 2020 01 09.png](https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/260906/How%20to%20shade%20time%20intervall%20-%202020%2001%2009.png)
Experiment to get the result you want.
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