for loop for binary values from 00000 to 11111

4 views (last 30 days)
i want to enable rows of a pixel by giving logic high to them , I want write a FOR loop so that first 000000 then 10000 then 01000 then 11000.......11111 are given as input plz guide me with this
note: MSB and LSB are interchanged

Accepted Answer

Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser on 11 Oct 2012
Why a loop? Try
And then flip the order.
MANJUNATH on 11 Oct 2012
Thank u Sir ,
one more basic doubt - (A) gets each binary value according right ?
if so is there any way i can set time for each A's value
for example , A= 00000 FOR 10 milisec then 00001 for 10 milisec then 00010
is it possible ???
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 11 Oct 2012
Only if you can find a way to pause() for 10 millisecond, but that is a much finer time resolution than pause() supports.
Please think more about whether you want the signal itself) to be a particular value for 10 millisecond at a time, or if you want a signal to be _represented as-if it was a value for 10 millisecond. If you are doing real-time work such as controlling a motor, then you would like the signal itself to have the value for real seconds, but if you are trying to produce a graph of a communications system, then you want the representation of 10 milliseconds.

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More Answers (1)

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov on 11 Oct 2012
out = rem(floor((0:63)'*pow2(-5:0)),2)


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