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Matlab returns different values with two equivalent functions

1 view (last 30 days)
Let's say I have two functions:
f = @(x) (1.01.*exp(4.*x) - 4.62.*exp(3.*x) - 3.11.*exp(2.*x) + 12.2.*exp(x) - 1.99)
F = @(x) (((1.01.*exp(x) - 4.62).*exp(x)-3.11).*exp(x) + 12.2).*exp(x) - 1.99
These two functions are equivalent but when I want to execute with MATLAB it gives me different results with the same input. (for example with 0.925)
I would like to ask why cause this situation and which one has should I trust.
Thanks in advance!
Marcos Baños
Marcos Baños on 8 Mar 2020
ans =
ans =
as you see it's not the same, and with 1.53 the difference is bigger

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Accepted Answer

Thiago Henrique Gomes Lobato
Edited: Thiago Henrique Gomes Lobato on 8 Mar 2020
The difference between then in my computer with your example is -3.197442310920451e-14 (depending of your processor may be slightely different but still extremely low). This difference is negletible and can be regarded as numerical/approximation error between taking the exp of a number and multiplying two (to four, in your case) exp's. You can reproduce it easily with an easier example:
ans =
The results are then actually the same and you can trust both of them with the given accuracy, which should be enough for almost any application you may think.

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