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How do I separate a data set into separate cell arrays according to the integer on the end of a string?

1 view (last 30 days)
Lets say I have a large data set of type "cell" set out in the following way..
{[0.9335302759]} {[0.3892578745]} {[0.37648235478]} {[thing0]}
{[0.8965743754]} {[0.5945034750]} {[0.58343053465]} {[thing0]}
{[0.8965743754]} {[0.5945034750]} {[0.58343053465]} {[other0]}
{[0.9335302759]} {[0.3892578745]} {[0.37648235478]} {[thing2]}
{[0.8965743754]} {[0.5945034750]} {[0.58343053465]} {[thing4]}
{[0.8965743754]} {[0.5945034750]} {[0.58343053465]} {[other4]}
{[0.8965743754]} {[0.5945034750]} {[0.58343053465]} {[other4]}
{[0.8965743754]} {[0.5945034750]} {[0.58343053465]} {[thing49]}
{[0.8965743754]} {[0.5945034750]} {[0.58343053465]} {[other49]}
Is there a way to separate the rows corresponding to each integer on the end of the string in the 4th column into separate cell arrays? So for the data above the two values in thing0 and the one in other0 will be in a single cell array, then a 0 since nothing fell under 1, then "thing2" in another, then a 0 for 3, then "thing4" and "other4" in another, and so forth.
I'm not quite sure where to start with this.. hopefully the way I explained it makes sense.
  1 Comment
Bryan on 12 Mar 2020
Edited: Bryan on 12 Mar 2020
lastint = NaN(size(yourcell,1),1)
for i = 1:size(yourcell,1)
lastint(i) = str2num(yourcell{i,end}(end))
% get only the stuff ending with zero
zerostuff = yourcell{lastint==0,:}
Something like that. Wrote on my phone so haven't been able to test it

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Accepted Answer

Mohammad Sami
Mohammad Sami on 12 Mar 2020
Edited: Mohammad Sami on 12 Mar 2020
You need to extract the digit at the end.
% c = yourcell array
digit = regexp(c(:,4),'\d+$','match','once');
[u_d,i,j] = unique(digit);
outcell = arrayfun(@(x)c(j==x,:),i,'UniformOutput',false);
mel1708 on 13 Mar 2020
Hi Mohammad,
For the line outcell(i,:) = outcell(j,:) Matlab gives me the error "Index in position 1 is invalid. Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.", which I'm guessing has to do with the fact it thinks I am indexing with j and hence has an issue with the first integer being 0. Would you be able to suggest a fix for this?

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