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Index exceeds the number of array elements

1 view (last 30 days)
Hello all,
I know there are several similar questions, but i didn't find a answer for my problem.
I am trying to load data from a .csv file with the simple csvread function.
The csv.file (see attachment) should contain 222.490 values.
Pos_x = csvread('C:\Users\Niels\Google Drive\position.csv',11,1);
However, i am getting the following error: 'Index exceeds the number of array elements (0).'
Creating a matrix of size 300.000x1 in matlab itself is no problem so i am not sure what the problem is, any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!

Accepted Answer

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 28 Mar 2020
Edited: Ameer Hamza on 28 Mar 2020
Just giving the extension of .csv to a file does not automatically make it a csv file. Your file contains several alphabetic characters before the numeric values start. The following code will read the data as a text file and parse it to extract numeric values
f = fopen('position.csv');
data = textscan(f, '%s', 'HeaderLines', 11);
str = [data{1}{:}];
idx = strfind(str, ':'); % finding the location of the last colon
values = sscanf(str(idx(end)+1:end), ',%f');

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