Blocage in the execution of my program in matlab

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When I start my program, matlab remains busy and does not stop until I have stopped it manually with Ctrl + C and then gave me the following error
>> Energies
Operation terminated by user during mupadengine/evalin (line 102)
In mupadengine/feval (line 161)
[S,err] = evalin(engine,stmt,'message');
In sym/simplify (line 63)
rSym = feval(symengine, 'simplify', s,...
In Energies (line 103)
EcL6 = simplify(EcL6);
And when I comment on the line " EcL6 = simplify(EcL6); " matlab finish program execution quickly
Therefore what can I do to get out of this blockage?
Think you

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