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Link a sltest.tes​tmanager.T​estCase to a slreq.Reference in Matlab 2017b

3 views (last 30 days)
How can I link a Simulink Test Case (sltest.testmanager.TestCase) to a Simulink Requirement (slreq.Reference) in Matlab 2017b?
When I try to do it using slreq.createLink(src,dst), I get the error:
Error using slreq.createLink
slreq.createLink() failed: slreq.utils.resolveDest() does not support input of type sltest.testmanager.TestCase
slreq.getSrcId() does not support input of type sltest.testmanager.TestCase
Error in LinkExample (line 10)
MyTestFile = sltest.testmanager.TestFile('MyTestFile.mldatx',true);
MyTestSuite = MyTestFile.createTestSuite('MyTestSuite');
MyTestCase = MyTestSuite.createTestCase('simulation','MyTestCase',false);
RequirementSet ='MyRequirement');
Reference = add(RequirementSet,'Domain','linktype_rmi_mylinktype','Artifact','MyDoc.txt' ...
'Id', 'MyReq1','Summary', 'Summary Req 1',...
'Description', 'Description Req 1');

Answers (1)

Jian Fan
Jian Fan on 4 Dec 2020
This limitation of the API is addressed in R2018a. It is recommened to update Matlab.

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