Variable isn't showing in the input command (A little square appears instead)

15 views (last 30 days)
Hey, I'm new in Matlab but have been searching and didn't find anything that solves my question.
I wrote this:
for i=1:NEOx
VNEOx(i) = input(['Introduzca la Masa Molar del elemento ' i ': ']);
But what I am getting in return isn't the variable "i", which should be firstly 1, then 2...etc. Instead I am getting some little squares:
Any idea about what I am doing wrong?
Thank you very much

Answers (1)

Tommy on 24 Apr 2020
Try either
for i=1:NEOx
VNEOx(i) = input(['Introduzca la Masa Molar del elemento ' num2str(i) ': ']);
for i=1:NEOx
VNEOx(i) = input(sprintf('Introduzca la Masa Molar del elemento %d: ', i));


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