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Can someone help me with the floor command of matlab?

1 view (last 30 days)
I am stuck in one equation of Matlab program with 'floor' command.
Here, 1: n=1:930 and N:n=15:930
How 62 is obtained?
Also, I have found that n1 consists of 15 values and its dimension is 1x15. Please help me to understand how 1:930 (930 values) divided by 15:920(<930 values) results in 15 values?

Accepted Answer

KSSV on 2 Jun 2020
n = 930 ; N = 15 ;
% this step 1:n/N:n is same as
dn = n/N ;
n1 = 1:dn:n
KSSV on 2 Jun 2020
Thats fine......and thanks is accepting the answer... :)

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