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finding uncommon data in arrays
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I have two data sets A and B. Each has 6 columns. First two columns indicate latitudes and longitudes of some points. I want to extract the points in B (all the row, not just the lat or long) that has different latitudes and longitudes than A. In other words I want to find the uncommon points. To explain; I need to combine two data sets without duplicated lat and long values.
Here you can see my code where I find tie points (common latitude and longitude points).
Thank you for your help.
clear all;figure;
sf = 1;
m_proj('albers equal-area','lat',[LAT1 LAT2],'long',[LON1 LON2],'rect','on');m_gshhs_h('color',[.5 .5 .5]);hold on;
[lon1, lat1,ve1,vn1,sve1,svn1] = textread('Aktug_etal_2015.gmt','%f %f %f %f %f %f'); % REFERENCE
aktug = [lon1, lat1,ve1,vn1,sve1,svn1]; % data A
[lon2, lat2,ve2,vn2,sve2,svn2] = textread('kremer_2014.txt','%f %f %f %f %f %f'); % PROJECTED
kreemer = load('kremer_2014.txt'); % data B
% finding tie points
k = 1;
for i = 1:size(lat2)
ind = find(abs(lat2(i)-lat1)<0.01 & abs(lon2(i)-lon1)<0.015 & lon1>LON1 & lon1<LON2 & lat1>LAT1 & lat1<LAT2);
for j = 1:length(ind)
tiepoints(k,:) = [lon2(i) lat2(i) ve2(i) vn2(i) ve1(ind(j)) vn1(ind(j)) sve2(i) svn2(i) sve1(ind(j)) svn1(ind(j))];
k = k + 1;
tiepoints2 = [tiepoints(:,1) tiepoints(:,2) tiepoints(:,3) tiepoints(:,4) tiepoints(:,7) tiepoints(:,8)];
cfn = median(tiepoints(:,6)-tiepoints(:,4)); cfe = median(tiepoints(:,5)-tiepoints(:,3));
print -dtiff GPS_compare.tiff
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