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Discrete variables implementation in ga

1 view (last 30 days)
udham singh
udham singh on 20 Jun 2020
Hello everyone
where can i find these files mentioned in the documentation section for Solving a Mixed Integer Engineering Design Problem Using the Genetic Algorithm (cantileverVolumeWithDisc.m, cantileverConstraintsWithDisc.m and cantileverMapVariables.m.) ( ? or any other example where i can learn how to implement descrete set of variables in ga.
Thank you

Answers (1)

Raunak Gupta
Raunak Gupta on 25 Jun 2020
When you open the example in MATLAB using the command (View MATLAB Command) given in the top right pane of the documentation
The working folder will change to where the example is present in the MATLAB installation. There all the files used in the example are present.
Hope it helps!
  1 Comment
Shobhit Chaturvedi
Shobhit Chaturvedi on 17 Jun 2021
Thanks Raunak.
Your tip helped me develop logic for solving single objective/multi objective discrete optimisation problems.

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