How to fill a table in AppDesigner with data from cell?

21 views (last 30 days)
i need some help since i dont really know how to solve my errors. My Datas is stored and i want it to be shown in a table but the error im getting is: "Unable to perform assignment because the indices on the left side are not compatible with the size of the right side."
So my Data i want to show is date, time, left or right side and name.
Thanks for any help!
% Button pushed function: EinlesenButton
function EinlesenButtonPushed(app, event)
%Diese Funktion dient dem direkten Lesen der auf dem übergeben Pfad
%hinterlegten CSV-Datei. Diese Datei muss exakt der Formatierung der
%Dateien entsprechen die das Program "Power" des Diagnostikgerätes
%Einlesen der Datei über den Umweg mit strings
% Öffnen eines Fensters zur Auswahl der zu öffnenden .csv Dateien.
[filename,pathname] = uigetfile('*.csv;','MultiSelect',"on");
for i = 1:length(filename)
filepath=fullfile(pathname, filename);
fid = fopen (filepath{i});
A = textscan(fid, '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s','Delimiter',';');
%Umwandeln von Cell --> String
%',' durch '.' ersetzen
B=replace(B,',', '.'); % ',' durch '.' ersetzen
% Aufteilen in Header und Messdaten
for i = 1:length(filename)
x = char(Daten(i).Header(12,1));
x1 = extractBetween(x,13,20 );
y = char(Daten(i).Header(11,1));
y1 = extractBetween(y,11,20);
%Bein Seite
z = char(Daten(i).Header(21,1));
if strlength(z) == 22
z1 = extractBetween(z,10,14);
z1 = extractBetween(z,10,15);
app.UITable.Data(i,2) = cell2mat(x1); % <------ Here starts my problem
app.UITable.Data(i,3) = cell2mat(y1);
app.UITable.Data(i,4) = cell2mat(z1);
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 12 Jul 2020
Based on those data, I'd use readtable. That function allows you to define the row where the tabular data start and it also allows you to define the input format of datetime values With 1 line of code you could read in the data with the correct datetime values.

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