Pointer equivalent in MatLab
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Hey guys,
I defined an object handle class with some objects in it and those objects got a property which I called "neighbour" where object A is linked to its neighbours
classdef object < handle
function g = object(size)
g.size = size;
g.neighbour = obeject.empty(0,0);
function link_g2g(g,neighbour)
I linked them together and later I also need to delete some.
I thought the way they are defined would make it possible that if I delete objects(x), that also the neighbours of object(x) would lose object(x) as their neighbour.
But that is not the case.
I have to go through all neighbours of objects(x), find out which ob the neighbours of the neighbours is objects(x), and delete that link additionally to deleting object(x) itself...
Is there a smarter way to do that? Because to run a double loop just to delet one onject and its linkges seems very inefficient. Is there a way where I delete that object and at the same time its neighbours get rid of the link to that object?
Somehow deleting an object is not sufficient because even its deleted, its still exist as the neighbour of its prior neigbours, which is not what i want.
Many thanks in advance
Best regards
Walter Roberson
on 15 Jul 2020
What if you attached a listener to each, and notify() the deletion, and each node would receive the signal, check whether the given item was a neighbour, and make the appropriate change?
Potentially each object could keep track of its neighbours and notify just them.
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