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Acces workspace of model using sim command in parfor loop

5 views (last 30 days)
I want to acces the workspace of a model I'm running with the sim comment. I want to set a parameter with assigning or setparam. How can I refer to that workspace? (this should all be performed insite a parfor loop that executes the external model several times with this parameter changing every time the loop is executed)

Accepted Answer

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 15 Dec 2012
assignin('base', 'var',value)
  1 Comment
Bert Van den Zegel
Bert Van den Zegel on 16 Dec 2012
Edited: Bert Van den Zegel on 16 Dec 2012
Doesn't that assign the variable to the main workspace? It has to be assigned to the workspace of the model that's going to be called with a sim comment. Code shoud be something like:
parfor i=1:N
assign i to a constant block in externalmodel
[t,x,y1,y2] = sim(external model,[starttime,stoptime]
Y1=[Y1 y1];
Y2=[Y2 y1];
But whatever I try, it either can't find the constant block, has transparancy errors...

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