how to determine pfa and plot roc

2 views (last 30 days)
Praanesh Sambath
Praanesh Sambath on 2 Aug 2020
Commented: kumuda dk on 21 Dec 2021
I have a radar data of size 55*12 with SNR 14db. How do I plot ROC for this data.
Thanks in advance.
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kumuda dk
kumuda dk on 21 Dec 2021
Hi.. I have a radar data of 256*128, how to determine SNR?

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Answers (1)

Nitin Kapgate
Nitin Kapgate on 5 Aug 2020
Hi Praanesh,
I understand that you want to determine pfa and plot the ROC for the RADAR data with you.
The documentation here will help you to understand about “Detector Performance Analysis Using ROC Curves”. It will also provide guidance to determine pfa and plot ROC curves using MATLAB. Here is another link about “Receiver Operating Characteristics” which could be of help.
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Praanesh Sambath
Praanesh Sambath on 6 Aug 2020
Thanks. But I am not quite understanding what am I supposed to do. Can you please let me know how do I proceed further with tha signal I have... This is fairly a new concept to me. Thanks

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