How to use batch to convert .dcm to .mat files?

10 views (last 30 days)
Morning everyone,
I am studying AGE relate to human macromolecules by qMT.
I am just a beginner and trying to run dcm2mat_batch to convert .dcm to .mat for getting T1 maps.
I got a code and open in Matlab but cannot output any .mat file.
Here is the code:
files = dir('*MR*');
filesOrder = {};
D = filesOrder;
% % organizing files based on the last number
% reg = regexp(filesOrder,'\d+$','match','once');
% [~,idx] = sort(str2double(reg));
% D = filesOrder(idx);
for i = 1:length(D)
thisfile = D{i};
dicom = double(dicomread(thisfile));
% num2str to identify slice, change name of file for your preference
save([ 'VFA_DATA_FA_14_250ms_sl_' num2str(i) '.mat'], 'dicom');
I did try change
files = dir('*MR*');
files = dir('*IM*');
But shows
Error in dcm2mat_batch (line 12)
dicom = double(dicomread(thisfile));
Does anyone can tell me which part I need to changed than this code will work?
Thank you
  1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 18 Aug 2020
If MATLAB is able to do the dicomread, but is not able to do the save, then that means you do not have permission to write to the current directory.

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Accepted Answer

Ti Wu
Ti Wu on 23 Aug 2020
My problem is solved, I didn't install Image Processing Toolbox.
After I install Image Processing Toolbox, I can convert dcm2mat batch now.
Thank you for answering that, I am too primitive.
mohd akmal masud
mohd akmal masud on 25 Dec 2020
Hi Ti Wu, can you share with me how to convert dcm to mat ?
ZX on 28 Nov 2024
Hello, are you keeping this batch now?can you share with me too?

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More Answers (1)

Ti Wu
Ti Wu on 25 Dec 2020
Yes, I can share with you.
But to clarify the batch owner is not me.
I want to make a clarification.
This batch was made by San DIego State University Graduate Student "John Cameron White".
If he consider this is his patent and don't want to share to anyone.
I will not send it to you.
Give me few days to get his permission.
Then I will send the batch to you.
Use Matlab open it and select folder you want to change then run.
I believe you can make it.


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