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How to do Interface between Aspen Hysys and Matlab and perform Hybrid optimization

16 views (last 30 days)
Is there anyone who can me help me please. I am doing LNG plant optimization. To perform the optimization I first did the simulation on Hysys and interface HYSYS with Matlab. The model is still now in steady-state condition. When I am using the compressor outlet pressure as the decision variables, The simulation is working and it can minimize the energy consumption.
But, when I am using the refrigerant mass flow rate or outlet pressure of throttle valves as decision variables, the simulation get's unconverged and the simulation stopped.
In addition to this, when I am using refrigerant mass fraction as decision variables and run the optimization it shows the following error "Invoke Error, Dispatch Exception: No such interface supported"
If I the convert the simulation into dynamic mode, the problem will be solved ?
whenever, i am trying to convert the model into dynamic it's showing that notification in this picture.
Rasel Ahmed
Rasel Ahmed on 17 May 2021
Hi liang,
I am sharing the codes to interface hysys with matlab, and providing another link of the details code. Have you tried to use mixed refrigerant mass fraction / mass flow as decision variables ?. I am facing some problem that I couldn't change the mixed refrigerant mass fraction values.
global MySimCase;
FileNamePath = 'C3MR7v6';
MySimCase = MyObject.SimulationCases.Open([cd,strcat('\',...
MySimCase.Visible = true;
MyOperations = MySimCase.Flowsheet.Operations; % Getting data from our simcase operations
MyFlowSheet = MySimCase.get('flowsheet'); %accessing to flowsheet
MyMaterialStreams = MyFlowSheet.get('MaterialStreams'); %accessing to simulated material streams
MyEnergyStreams = MyFlowSheet.get('EnergyStreams'); % Energy streams
Ting Liang
Ting Liang on 19 May 2021
Thanks a lot for your sharing.
Sorry, I am not working on mixed refrigerant, but on air, sorry that I cannot help with your problem now, but hope we can communicate with and help each other more later.
Best regards
Ting Liang

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Answers (1)

bilal kazmi
bilal kazmi on 24 Dec 2020
if you provide any help in this please share some file as iam also in search of specific file
  1 Comment
Rasel Ahmed
Rasel Ahmed on 17 May 2021
Hi kazmi,
I am sharing the codes to interface hysys with matlab, and providing another link of the details code. Have you tried to use mixed refrigerant mass fraction / mass flow as decision variables ?. I am facing some problem that I couldn't change the mixed refrigerant mass fraction values.
global MySimCase;
FileNamePath = 'C3MR7v6';
MySimCase = MyObject.SimulationCases.Open([cd,strcat('\',...
MySimCase.Visible = true;
MyOperations = MySimCase.Flowsheet.Operations; % Getting data from our simcase operations
MyFlowSheet = MySimCase.get('flowsheet'); %accessing to flowsheet
MyMaterialStreams = MyFlowSheet.get('MaterialStreams'); %accessing to simulated material streams
MyEnergyStreams = MyFlowSheet.get('EnergyStreams'); % Energy streams

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