Deleting sepecific character from cell array

45 views (last 30 days)
Hi Helpers,
I have a cell array in which some cell has " that I would like to delete such as, '"22000' or '"contig_2012'. (I want it as '22000' or 'contig_2012')
Will be great if you could help me to delete all of them from the cell.
Thanks, Shilo

Accepted Answer

Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub on 16 Jan 2013
This sounds like a job for a regular expression (albeit a simple one)
x = {'"22000'; '"contig_2012'; 'abc'};
regexprep(x, '"', '')

More Answers (1)

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 15 Jan 2013
Edited: Azzi Abdelmalek on 15 Jan 2013
% in this example we rmove '00' and '123'
A={'123' '1234' '12345' '11' '00'};
idx=cellfun(@(x) isequal(x,'00') | isequal(x,'123'),A);
José-Luis on 16 Jan 2013
Please don't forget to accept an answer if it helps you.
Muhammad Usman Saleem
Muhammad Usman Saleem on 5 Nov 2017
This answer is for cell array of {1,5} what about array of {31,6} ?

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