Run length encoding error

1 view (last 30 days)
Dmitrij Linivenko
Dmitrij Linivenko on 15 Sep 2020
Commented: Ameer Hamza on 16 Sep 2020
I'm trying to do RLE encoding using data sheet with temeperature values, but it gives me an error : "Index in position 1 is invalid. Array indices must be positive integers or logical values" for line 15. Can't find the solution for this.
clear all
data = importdata('Temperature.mat');
j = 1;
elems = zeros(length(data),1); % store repeated elements
for i = 1:length(data)
if isempty(find(elems == data(i)))
elems(j) = data(i);
j = j + 1;
t = tabulate(data); % get frequency table
for n = 1:length(elems);
lens(n) = t(elems(n),1); % get how many each element in elems vector occurs

Accepted Answer

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 15 Sep 2020
I didn't understand the logic of your code, but here is an alternate solution.
clear all
data = importdata('Temperature.mat');
grps = cumsum([0; diff(data)~=0])+1;
parts = splitapply(@(x) {x}, data, grps);
rle = cellfun(@(x) [x(1) numel(x)], parts, 'uni', 0);
rle = vertcat(rle{:});
First column is values and second column is counts.
Dmitrij Linivenko
Dmitrij Linivenko on 16 Sep 2020
Thanks. Now I just need to figure out what those unknown functions do as i've never seen them :D
Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 16 Sep 2020
I am glad to be of help! You can run each line one by one to get some idea which each step is doing. Documentation will also be helpful.

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