FitzHugh-Nagumo model

17 views (last 30 days)
Muyu Zhou
Muyu Zhou on 13 Oct 2020
Answered: Alan Stevens on 13 Oct 2020
i wish to solve the equations v'=v^3/3-w+i, w'=g(v+a-bw) with a=0.8, b=0.7, g=0.08, i=0.5 using ode45 in matlab. i solved in on paper but i don't know how to type the codes in matlab.
i googled this but for one unfamiliar with the code, it is hard to fathom what they are solving i also would like the code to show the plots of both variables changing with time and the phase plots of both variables.

Answers (1)

Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens on 13 Oct 2020
Like so:
% Replace the following constants with your own values
tspan = [0 1]; % start and end times
v0 = 0; w0 = 0; % initial values
IC = [v0 w0];
% Call ode45
[t, vw] = ode45(@fn, tspan,IC);
% Extract individual solution values
v = vw(:,1);
w = vw(:,2);
% Plot results
xlabel('t'),ylabel('v and w')
function dvwdt = fn(~,vw)
a = 0.8;
b = 0.7;
g = 0.08;
i = 0.5;
v = vw(1);
w = vw(2);
dvwdt = [v^3/3 - w + i;

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