Efficient number occurence count

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Jan Siegmund
Jan Siegmund on 17 Oct 2020
Edited: Jan Siegmund on 18 Oct 2020
I want to efficiently count the number of occurences of numbers between 1-numel(num) in a Matrix. I came up with two options for that:
sz = [3000 2000];
mx = prod(sz);
num = randi([1 mx],sz);
% First option
counts = zeros(numel(num),1);
for i = 1:numel(num)
counts(num(i)) = counts(num(i)) + 1;
% Second option
uni = unique(num);
uni = reshape(uni,[],1);
hc = histcounts(num,[uni;uni(end)]);
Execution times are:
Elapsed time is 0.098540 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.342214 seconds.
So option 1 is clearly faster. However the for loop bugs me. Is there any possibility to vectorize this?
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 18 Oct 2020
"I want to efficiently count the number of occurences of numbers between 1-numel(num) in a Matrix"
I'm a bit lost. Your matrix contains integers between 1 and 1000 and has 6000000 values (3000x2000). So, why are you looking for 6000000 different values when you only have a max of 1000 values?
Jan Siegmund
Jan Siegmund on 18 Oct 2020
Sorry, num was a stupid example. A more suitable would be
sz = [3000 2000];
mx = prod(sz);
num = randi([1 mx],sz);

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Accepted Answer

Matt J
Matt J on 18 Oct 2020
Edited: Matt J on 18 Oct 2020
In this situation, accumarray will be faster than histcounts, but still not as fast as the for-loop,
Elapsed time is 0.172890 seconds. %for-loop
Elapsed time is 0.236013 seconds. %accumarray
unless the values are pre-sorted,
Elapsed time is 0.168976 seconds. %for-loop
Elapsed time is 0.075965 seconds. %accumarray
I think this is simply one of those situations where Matlab's for-loop optimization has caught up to vectorized code.
  1 Comment
Jan Siegmund
Jan Siegmund on 18 Oct 2020
Alright, accumarray is also a great choice. Thank you for your time and effort. This is the answer I am going to accept.

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More Answers (2)

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong on 18 Oct 2020
ac = accumarray(num(:),1);

Matt J
Matt J on 18 Oct 2020
Edited: Matt J on 18 Oct 2020
I want to efficiently count the number of occurences of numbers between 1-numel(num) in a Matrix
If that's really what you want, then
hc = histcounts(num(:), 1:numel(num)+1 );
but as Adam points out, it would make more sense to have
hc = histcounts(num(:), 1:1001 );
Jan Siegmund
Jan Siegmund on 18 Oct 2020
Ok no, the branching is not the problem. Calling
directly only results in a minor improvement.
Matt J
Matt J on 18 Oct 2020
Edited: Matt J on 18 Oct 2020
I think the for-loop is the fastest for integer data ranges that large. Unfortunately (and strangely), histcounts cannot innately recognize that the data consists only of integers and use a simpler binning method for that case. There is an input option 'BinMethod'='integers' that is offered, however, it will not permit more than 65536 bins.

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