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Problems with the graphs of a Full Wave Rectifier circuit

1 view (last 30 days)
I am trying to simulate a full-wave rectifier with an input voltage of 220*2ˆ(1/2)V = 311.13V, but nevertheless, the graph of the input voltage is not showing a sine wave, nor the input current is a sine wave. The output voltage is weird too. I have got no idea what seems to be the problem.
Mirella Carneiro
Mirella Carneiro on 18 Nov 2020
Edited: Mirella Carneiro on 18 Nov 2020
I realized I connected something wrong, but, it is still showing a strange graph. I added a transformer((N1/N2))=1 and fixed the wrong part.
David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson on 18 Nov 2020
Hi Mirella,
It helps to have a load that can carry DC current. Hard to get current through a capacitor (unless it is extremely large, and then your load will be highly capacitive rather than primarily resistive, and still no DC current).

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Answers (1)

Sabin on 12 Jan 2023
A good place to start is the Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier example in Simscape.

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