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how do i plot only certain part of cepstrum

3 views (last 30 days)
How do I plot only certain part of cepstrum for example only first half
I dont want plot first half of coeficient because it might result in no fully correct cepstrum( correct me if iam wrong)
So I want to plot first half of the cepsstrum with all coeficient included. But i just want see first half
It give me that image which i attached but i want to really zoom in on the first part
f2 = fs*(0:L2-1)/L2;
L2 = length(Featuresceps{1});
t2 = (0:L2-1)*T;
Featuresceps{1} = rceps(Featuresceps{1});

Accepted Answer

Rafael Hernandez-Walls
Rafael Hernandez-Walls on 2 Dec 2020
KSSV ks suggests that you work with the index, here I show you an example of what KSSV mentions,
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 4 Dec 2020
Minor improvement:
This adjusts for the possibility that the vectors have an odd number of elements: in such a case, end/2 would evaluate to a non-integer, and indexing would issue a warning
Warning: Integer operands are required for colon operator when used as index.

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