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Graph with undirected edges from Shapefile

2 views (last 30 days)
Michael Pietruschka
Michael Pietruschka on 9 Feb 2021
Edited: Sim on 6 Jul 2022
I want to use two shapefiles containing:
  1. Streets as 'Lines', with x and y coordinates, streetnames, length, etc.
  2. Road Nodes as 'Points', with x and y coordinates, nodenames, ...
How do I combine those shp Files an create a Graph with undirected edges?
I can load them both into Matlab and display them using mapshow():
Any help would be incredible!
  1 Comment
Sim on 6 Jul 2022
Edited: Sim on 6 Jul 2022
A starting point
S1 = shaperead(('BKM_point.shp'));
S2 = shaperead(('ABSCHNITTEAESTE_line.shp'));
hold on
for i = 1 : size(S1,1)
plot(S1(i).X, S1(i).Y,'Color','k','Marker','o','MarkerSize',3)
for i = 1 : 2000 % I put "2000" instead of "size(S2,1)" since too large
plot(S2(i).X, S2(i).Y,'Color','b','Marker','o','MarkerSize',3)
hold off
are the nodes coordinates for "BKM_point.shp", and
are the nodes coordinates for "ABSCHNITTEAESTE_line.shp", but
where is the information about the edges ??

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