Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds

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LM on 15 Feb 2021
Commented: LM on 17 Feb 2021
i'm trying to add values to an already existing array (Profile_y). The last value of Profile_x is lager than the last value of Profile_y. I am calculating the difference and divide it by the average step size of the values to get the number of how many steps i need to add. After that i try to add the average stepsize MissingSteps-times to the vector, so that Profile_x and Profile_y should have the same endvalue after all.
Instead i'm getting the error:
Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds
The end operator must be used within an array index expression.
My code:
MissingSteps = floor((Profile_x(1,end) - Profile_y(1,end)) ./ (mean(diff(Profile_y))));
Profile_Y_new = [Profile_Y];
% Profile_Y_new(1,end+1:numel(Profile_Y_new) + MissingSteps) = 0;
k = 1;
for i = 1:MissingSteps
Profile_Y_new(1,end+k) = Profile_Y_new(1,end+k-1) + (mean(diff(Profile_Y)));
while k <= MissingSteps
k = k + 1;
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 15 Feb 2021
Those look okay.
When you are stopped at the error line, please command
Profile_Y_new(1,end+k) = 12345
and see where the error comes up. If it does not come up at all, try putting in the full line
Profile_Y_new(1,end+k) = Profile_Y_new(1,end+k-1) + (mean(diff(Profile_Y)));
and seeing what happens.
I'm wondering whether you have a syntax error in your program somewhere, an extra end statement, a [ opened that is not closed, something like that.
LM on 15 Feb 2021
Edited: LM on 15 Feb 2021
Typing in:
Error: Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds
Give the correct stepsize.
Profile_Y_new(1,end+k) = 12345:
Add the value at third position after the initial endvalue.
Matlab kind of have a problem with '+k'. How do I solve this?

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Accepted Answer

Jan on 15 Feb 2021
Edited: Jan on 15 Feb 2021
Profile_Y_new(1,end+k) = Profile_Y_new(1,end+k-1) + (mean(diff(Profile_Y)));
This line must fail, because Profile_Y_new(1,end) is the last element of Profile_Y_new already. Then Profile_Y_new(1,end+k-1) tries to read an element behind the last element.
Remember that " end " is an abbreviation for the length of the concerned dimension. Then reading the element at end+k must fail for k > 0.
I assume you mean:
endIndex = size(Profile_Y_new, 2);
for i = 1:MissingSteps
Profile_Y_new(1,endIndex + k) = Profile_Y_new(1, endIndex + k - 1) + ...
Now endIndex is fixed before the loop, while the keyword "end" is adjusted dynamically to the current size.
  1 Comment
LM on 17 Feb 2021
Thanks a lot for your help and explanation. The problem is clear now.

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