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Find minimum sse for logistic transformation

2 views (last 30 days)
Andrea D'Amato
Andrea D'Amato on 6 Mar 2021
Answered: Nipun on 22 May 2024
Hi, I have a little issue with a logistic regression transformation.
I need to find the values of a and b that give the minimum Sum of squared residuals, categorised as:
Where yhat is a logistic transformation of my known variable, categorised as:
Thanks for your time and patience.
The function that I wrote, run with fmincon, gives always an SSE = number of observation;
function [SSE,y]=logit2(Par,x)
if nargin<5;
ir=0; %default ir=0
if rows(Par)<cols(Par); % put parameters in column
if rows(Par)~=3; % check for the the right number of parameters as inputs
error('Dimension of Par not compatible');
%% Assign the Parameters to the Elements in the Vector
for i=1:T
SSE=-sum((y - ones(size(y))).^2)

Answers (1)

Nipun on 22 May 2024
Hi Andrea,
I understand that you are trying to find the values of a and b that minimize the sum of squared residuals (SSE) for a logistic regression transformation. Your current function seems to have issues since it always gives an SSE equal to the number of observations.
Here is a corrected version of your function that should properly calculate the SSE:
function SSE = logit2(Par, x, y)
if nargin < 3
error('Not enough input arguments.');
% Ensure parameters are column vector
if isrow(Par)
Par = Par';
% Check if Par has the correct number of parameters
if length(Par) ~= 2
error('Parameter vector must have exactly 2 elements.');
% Assign the parameters to the elements in the vector
a = Par(1);
b = Par(2);
% Calculate predicted values using logistic transformation
yhat = 1 ./ (1 + exp(-(a + b * x)));
% Calculate residuals
resid = yhat - y;
% Calculate SSE
SSE = sum(resid.^2);
To use the logit2 function with fmincon, you can follow this example:
% Example data
x = [0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5]'; % Replace with your x data
y = [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]'; % Replace with your y data
% Initial guess for parameters [a, b]
initial_guess = [0, 0];
% Define the objective function for fmincon
objective_function = @(Par) logit2(Par, x, y);
% Set options for fmincon
options = optimoptions('fmincon', 'Display', 'iter', 'Algorithm', 'sqp');
% Run fmincon to minimize SSE
[optimal_params, fval] = fmincon(objective_function, initial_guess, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], options);
% Display the results
fprintf('Optimal parameters: a = %.4f, b = %.4f\n', optimal_params(1), optimal_params(2));
fprintf('Minimum SSE: %.4f\n', fval);
  1. The logit2 function now correctly calculates the residuals by subtracting the actual 𝑦y values from the predicted 𝑦^y^ values.
  2. The fmincon function is used to find the values of 𝑎a and 𝑏b that minimize the SSE.
  3. The initial_guess array contains the starting values for 𝑎a and 𝑏b.
  4. The objective_function handles the minimization of the SSE.
Make sure to replace the example data x and y with your actual data points. This code should provide you with the optimal parameters for your logistic regression model.
Hope this helps.




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