How to map points in Vector A with points in vector B?

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I have two row vectors with the same size.
A = randi(100,1,100);
B = randi([101, 200],1,100);
I want to have another row vector AB where :
AB(i) = j ;% i and j are elements in A and B respectively
AB(j) = i;
AB's length supposed to be length of A + length of B, correct? What if in one case i and j happens to have the same value when both A and B are :
A = randi(100,1,100);
B = randi(100,1,100);
Jorg Woehl
Jorg Woehl on 10 Mar 2021
Edited: Jorg Woehl on 10 Mar 2021
Rayan, can you clarify what you mean with AB(i)=j and AB(j)=i where "i and j are elements in A and B respectively"? Or, more precisely, what is the link between i and j?
Taking a simple example:
A = randi(100,1,5)
A =
21 31 48 24 85
B = randi([101, 200],1,5)
B =
120 123 118 123 144
Do you now want AB(21)=120, and AB(120)=21, meaning that i and j are the corresponding elements in A and B? Or, expressed mathematically: i=A(k) and j=B(k) for a given k?
If that's the case, the vector AB cannot be constructed, because several elements of A can have the same value, let's say "19". That means that A(19) cannot be uniquely defined. And the same argument holds for vector B. (I think this is the question that you were pondering,too.)
Rayan Glus
Rayan Glus on 10 Mar 2021
Thanks for your reply Jorg.
So, A and B are basically, vectors of cities. And I want to map between these cities. Let's say that city 21 in A is mapped to city 120 in B and vice versa.
If that's the case, the vector AB cannot be constructed.
I agree with you. But what if we define:
A = 1:100;
B = 101:200;
Would it be possible then to map between the i's and j's?

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Accepted Answer

Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 10 Mar 2021
So you want something like this?
v = randperm(10) % Shuffle the numbers from 1 to 10
v = 1×10
7 3 9 4 6 1 10 2 5 8
A = v(1:5) % Cut the "deck"
A = 1×5
7 3 9 4 6
B = v(6:10)
B = 1×5
1 10 2 5 8
AB = zeros(1, 10);
AB(A) = B;
AB(B) = A
AB = 1×10
7 9 10 5 4 8 1 6 2 3
Rayan Glus
Rayan Glus on 10 Mar 2021
Yes, sir!
This is exactly what I'm looking for.
Thank you so much.
I really appreciate it.
Rayan Glus
Rayan Glus on 13 Mar 2021
Hi Steven,
Is it possible to map one to many? I apologize if it's a stupid question and undoable.

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