Is it possible to get the innside part envelope of the signal

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I have a signal with a lot of peaks. what i want to achieve is to get the envelope of inner part of the signal, the one of that part that looks solid in colors not the peaks envelope is it possible to achieve this.
Thank You
José-Luis on 31 May 2013
Edited: José-Luis on 31 May 2013
You could try different weights and lengths for the smoothing until you get something that looks like what you'd like. The easiest way however would probably be to ask the person that generated that plot.
To avoid giving much weight to the peaks, you could also try with a median filter:
doc medfilt1
DuckDuck on 31 May 2013
It was me who generated that plot, the signal inside the blue surface is a signal from other sensors, but i noticed it has the shape of the inner envelope of the blue one. so i thought i could find a way to generate it from the blue signal. The mdfilt1 didn't give me any thing useful. But thanks for your effort.

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