Moving sum of 4 subsequent observatins
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Joanna Przeworska
on 24 Mar 2021
Commented: Joanna Przeworska
on 25 Mar 2021
How can I get the moving sum of 4 subsequent observations out of variable 'var'? In specific, I would like the new variable to be constructed as follows:
(81,0970 + 85,2039 + 90,0506 + 89,0082) = ...
(85,2039 + 90,0506 + 89,0082 + 100,3168) = ...
(90,0506 + 89,0082 + 100,3168 + 105,4897) = ...
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More Answers (1)
Mathieu NOE
on 24 Mar 2021
see example below (run it with 4 and not 5 samples averaging) :
% dummy data
data = rand(320,15);
buffer = 5; % nb of samples for averaging
% zero overlap mean averaging
[m,n] = size(data)
for ci=1:fix(length(data)/ buffer)
start_index = 1+(ci-1)*buffer;
stop_index = min(start_index+ buffer,length(data));
time_index(ci) = round((start_index+stop_index)/2); % time index expressed as sample unit (dt = 1 in this simulation)
avg_data(ci,:) =mean(data(start_index:stop_index,:)); %
Mathieu NOE
on 25 Mar 2021
hello Joanna
it's coming from long time ago when I rote most of the functions I still use today, now , as mentionned by Steven Lord below, you can do it in one line with movsum;
but basically that movsum function implements the code I show you
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