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App designer - issue with app freezing after performing the first task

12 views (last 30 days)
Hi folks,
I have an app that's meant to display an image from a folder with plots on them in the shape of a crosshair.
Currently, it is freezing after loading the image folder and displaying the first image, and I'm uncertain as to why.
Could you please point me in the direction of where my code is incorrect?
checkMatrix is a matrix of 9 checkbox values.
The issue appears to be in the "DisplayCrosshairs" section. The very first line causes the programme to sieze up and become completely un-interactable.
methods (Access = private)
function ROI(app, index1, index2)
hold on
plot(index1, index2, app.innerMarkerStyle, 'MarkerSize', app.CrosshairThickness.Value, 'Color', app.crossHairColour);
plot(index1, index2, app.outerMarkerStyle, 'MarkerSize', app.CrosshairThickness.Value, 'Color', app.crossHairColour);
function DisplayCrosshairs(app)
[rows, columns] = size(app.Image, [1, 2]);
quarterHeight = rows*0.25;
halfHeight = rows*0.5;
threeQuarterHeight = rows*0.75;
quarterWidth = columns*0.25;
halfWidth = columns*0.5;
threeQuarterWidth = columns*0.75;
checkMatrix = [app.TopLeft.Value app.TopMiddle.Value app.TopRight.Value app.CentreLeft.Value app.CentreMiddle.Value app.CentreRight.Value app.BottomLeft.Value app.BottomMiddle.Value app.BottomRight.Value];
app.numSamplesPerImage = sum(checkMatrix, 1:9);
if checkMatrix(1) == 1
ROI(app, quarterHeight, quarterWidth);
elseif checkMatrix(2) == 1
ROI(app, quarterHeight, halfWidth);
elseif checkMatrix(3) == 1
ROI(app, quarterHeight, threeQuarterWidth);
elseif checkMatrix(4) == 1
ROI(app, halfHeight, quarterWidth);
elseif checkMatrix(5) == 1
ROI(app, halfHeight, halfWidth);
elseif checkMatrix(6) == 1
ROI(app, halfHeight, threeQuarterWidth);
elseif checkMatrix(7) == 1
ROI(app, threeQuarterHeight, quarterWidth);
elseif checkMatrix(8) == 1
ROI(app, threeQuarterHeight, halfWidth);
elseif checkMatrix(9) == 1
ROI(app, threeQuarterHeight, threeQuarterWidth);
msgbox('Please select a quadrant for the crosshair to be displayed in');
function DisplayImage(app)
app.currentImage = fullfile(app.imageFolder(app.imageNumber).folder, app.imageFolder(app.imageNumber).name);
app.Image.Position = [0 0 app.UIFigure.Position(3:4)];
app.img = imread(app.currentImage);
app.uiImage = uiimage(app.UIFigure, 'imagesource', app.currentImage, "Position", app.Image.Position);
function LoadFolder(app)
app.imageFolder = dir(fullfile(app.filePath, '*.jpg'));
app.fileNumber = numel(app.imageFolder);
function CheckEndOfList(app)
if app.imageNumber < app.fileNumber
app.imageNumber = app.imageNumber +1;
msgbox('You have reached the last image');
function startupFcn(app)
app.UIFigure.WindowState = 'maximized';
app.Counts = [zeros(8, 1)];
app.Percentages = [zeros(8, 1)];
app.CokeTable.Data = [app.Counts, app.Percentages];
app.CokeTable.Position = [73 -1 168 265];
app.tallyOrder = [1];
app.innerMarkerStyle = '+';
app.outerMarkerStyle = 'o';
app.crossHairColour = 'w';
app.ImageNumber.Value = app.imageNumber;
app.TotalNumber.Value = app.fileNumber;
function AddImageFolderMenuSelected(app, event)
app.filePath = uigetdir(pwd);
app.ImageNumber.Value = app.imageNumber;
app.TotalNumber.Value = app.fileNumber;
Teshan Rezel
Teshan Rezel on 25 Mar 2021
Hi @Adam Danz, I get the following error in the command window when running the app:
Array indices must be positive integers or
logical values.
Error in ManualPointCount/DisplayImage (line
app.currentImage =
Error in
(line 279)
Error using matlab.ui.internal.controller.WebMenuController/fireActionEvent (line 67)
Error while evaluating Menu Callback.
172 app.uiImage = uiimage(app.UIFigure, 'imagesource', app.currentImage, "Position", app.Image.Position);

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Accepted Answer

Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 26 Mar 2021
>At this point, a figure called "Figure 2" pops up
That's because you're not using axis handles to specify the parent in these lines below
function ROI(app, index1, index2)
hold on
plot(index1, index2, app.innerMarkerStyle, 'MarkerSize', app.CrosshairThickness.Value, 'Color', app.crossHairColour);
plot(index1, index2, app.outerMarkerStyle, 'MarkerSize', app.CrosshairThickness.Value, 'Color', app.crossHairColour);
Instead, replace app.UIAxes below with your axis handle.
function ROI(app, index1, index2)
plot(app.UIAxes, index1, index2, app.innerMarkerStyle, 'MarkerSize', app.CrosshairThickness.Value, 'Color', app.crossHairColour);
plot(app.UIAxes, index1, index2, app.outerMarkerStyle, 'MarkerSize', app.CrosshairThickness.Value, 'Color', app.crossHairColour);
> and the main app freezes
No, it doesn't freeze. Execution stops because of an error!
Teshan Rezel
Teshan Rezel on 29 Mar 2021
thanks @Adam Danz, this is pretty much exactly the solution I needed! The only issue now is that the "plot" function doesn't appear centred on the image, and is far too small to be seen. Can you please advise me on how to rectify this?
function ROI(app, index1, index2)
hold (app.Image, "on")
plot(app.Image, index1, index2, app.innerMarkerStyle, 'MarkerSize', app.CrosshairThickness.Value, 'Color', app.crossHairColour);
plot(app.Image, index1, index2, app.outerMarkerStyle, 'MarkerSize', app.CrosshairThickness.Value, 'Color', app.crossHairColour);
function DisplayCrosshairs(app)
I = imshow(app.currentImage, "Parent", app.Image);
app.Image.XLim = [0 I.XData(2)];
app.Image.YLim = [0 I.YData(2)];
app.Width = app.Image.XLim;
app.Height = app.Image.YLim;
quarterHeight = app.Height(1)+range(app.Height)*0.25;
halfHeight = app.Height(1)+range(app.Height)*0.5;
threeQuarterHeight = app.Height(1)+range(app.Height)*0.75;
quarterWidth = app.Width(1)+range(app.Width)*0.25;
halfWidth = app.Width(1)+range(app.Width)*0.5;
threeQuarterWidth = app.Width(1)+range(app.Width)*0.75;
checkMatrix = [app.TopLeft.Value app.TopMiddle.Value app.TopRight.Value app.CentreLeft.Value app.CentreMiddle.Value app.CentreRight.Value app.BottomLeft.Value app.BottomMiddle.Value app.BottomRight.Value];
app.numSamplesPerImage = sum(checkMatrix, 1:9);
if checkMatrix(1) == 1
ROI(app, quarterHeight, quarterWidth);
elseif checkMatrix(2) == 1
ROI(app, quarterHeight, halfWidth);
elseif checkMatrix(3) == 1
ROI(app, quarterHeight, threeQuarterWidth);
elseif checkMatrix(4) == 1
ROI(app, halfHeight, quarterWidth);
elseif checkMatrix(5) == 1
ROI(app, halfHeight, halfWidth);
elseif checkMatrix(6) == 1
ROI(app, halfHeight, threeQuarterWidth);
elseif checkMatrix(7) == 1
ROI(app, threeQuarterHeight, quarterWidth);
elseif checkMatrix(8) == 1
ROI(app, threeQuarterHeight, halfWidth);
elseif checkMatrix(9) == 1
ROI(app, threeQuarterHeight, threeQuarterWidth);
msgbox('Please select a quadrant for the crosshair to be displayed in');
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 29 Mar 2021
Edited: Adam Danz on 29 Mar 2021
Are you referring to the ROI(app, index1, index2) function?
What have you tried to do to fix it?
You can get the size of the image using
where I is your image data. You can get the center of the image using
If there is space in the margins between the image and the axes use
axis(app.UIAxes, 'tight')

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More Answers (1)

Jan on 24 Mar 2021
Appending folders to Matlab's PATH can lead to unexpected side effects, if the folders contain Matlab files. So avoid addpath but use absolute path names using app.filePath and fullfile() - as you do already. So remove this line:
But this is most likely not the source of the problem.
Adam's suggestion to use the debugger to step through the code line by line is the way to locate the line, which causes the troubles.
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 25 Mar 2021
Edited: Adam Danz on 26 Mar 2021
@Teshan Rezel, I'll reply to you here rather than having two parallel conversations.
This is the first line of DisplayImage(app), not the DisplayCrosshairs function as you indicated earlier. It's a minor mistake not to worry about but it did result in time troubleshooting the wrong parts of the code.
More importantly, now we know that the app isn't freezing. It's not just stopping due to an error and an error message should have appeared in the command window and in app designer code view if the app was opened in app desginer. That's an important lesson - check the command window for error messages if a program stops unexpectedly.
I agree with Jan, app.imageNumber is neither a positive integer or logical value as the error message indicates. Maybe it's a valid number wrapped in a cell such as {1} or perhaps it's empty or NaN.
Teshan Rezel
Teshan Rezel on 26 Mar 2021
Hi @Adam Danz and @Jan, I think it seems to fail when it gets to the "if" statement within the DisplayCrosshairs function. At this point, a figure called "Figure 2" pops up with a small crosshair at its centre, and the main app freezes. I'm not sure how to pass make "plot" draw the crosshair on the app.Image property though

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