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problem with a marker name ina c3d file

3 views (last 30 days)
[EDIT: 20110524 15:50 CDT - reformat - WDR]
hi guys,
i type
close all
clear all
server=c3dserver; %create server c3d
xyzpos=get3dtargets(server); %here i get the problem
the error is:
??? Invalid field name: '01'.
Error in ==> get3dtargets at 56
XYZPOS.(newstring) = ...
i think because the marker name is a number instead letters
the get3dtargets body is
function XYZPOS = get3dtargets(itf, residual, index1, index2)
% GET3DTARGETS - returns structure containing all X,Y,Z trajectory data and
% residuals if chosen.
% USAGE: XYZPOS = get3dtargets(itf, residual*, index1*, index2*)
% * = not a necessary input
% itf = variable name used for COM object
% residual = Return matrix with point residual in column 4.
% 0 or no 3rd argument = false (returns nx3 with XYZ data only)
% 1 = true (returns nx4 with XYZ and residuals)
% index1 = start frame index, all frames if not used as an argument
% index2 = end frame index, all frames if not used as an argument
% XYZPOS = structure with target fields of X, Y, Z, and/or residual as columns
% C3D directory contains C3DServer activation and wrapper Matlab functions.
% This function written by:
% Matthew R. Walker, MSc. <>
% Michael J. Rainbow, BS. <>
% Motion Analysis Lab, Shriners Hospitals for Children, Erie, PA, USA
% Questions and/or comments are most welcome.
% Last Updated: April 21, 2006
% Created in: MATLAB Version (R14) Service Pack 1
% O/S: MS Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)
% Please retain the author names, and give acknowledgement where necessary.
% DISCLAIMER: The use of these functions is at your own risk.
% The authors do not assume any responsibility related to the use
% of this code, and do not guarantee its correctness.
if nargin == 1,
residual = 0;
index1 = itf.GetVideoFrame(0); % frame start
index2 = itf.GetVideoFrame(1); % frame end
elseif nargin == 2,
index1 = itf.GetVideoFrame(0);
index2 = itf.GetVideoFrame(1);
nIndex = itf.GetParameterIndex('POINT', 'LABELS');
nItems = itf.GetParameterLength(nIndex);
unitIndex = itf.GetParameterIndex('POINT', 'UNITS');
for i = 1 : nItems,
target_name = itf.GetParameterValue(nIndex, i-1);
newstring = target_name(1:min(findstr(target_name, ' '))-1);
if strmatch(newstring, [], 'exact'),
newstring = target_name;
if findstr('-', newstring) >= 1,
slashind = findstr('-', newstring);
newstring = [newstring(1:slashind-1) newstring(slashind+1:end)];
if strcmpi(newstring(1), '*'), newstring = ['T' newstring(2:end)]; end
XYZPOS.(newstring) = ...
[itf.GetPointDataEx(i-1,0,index1,index2,'1'), ...
itf.GetPointDataEx(i-1,1,index1,index2,'1'), ...
RESIDS = itf.GetPointResidualEx(i-1,index1,index2);
XYZPOS.(newstring) = cell2mat(XYZPOS.(newstring));
RESIDS = cell2mat(RESIDS);
residindex = find(RESIDS == -1);
XYZPOS.(newstring)(residindex, :) = NaN;
XYZPOS.units = itf.GetParameterValue(unitIndex, 0);
if residual == 1,
XYZPOS.(newstring) = [XYZPOS.(newstring), RESIDS];
how can i resolve? thx
here the files

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 24 May 2011
Before the line that starts
XYZPOS.(newstring) =
newstring = genvarname(newstring);

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