Clear Filters
Clear Filters

Index exceeds array bounds.

2 views (last 30 days)
clc; clear;
dt = 0.5;
Glucose = zeros(1,361);
Glucose(1,1) = 6000;
Glucose_Released = 110;
Glucose_Used = zeros(1,361);
Usage_Fraction = zeros(1,361);
t = 0:dt:180; % We need to generate a time vector for our plot
for k = 2:length(t)
Glucose_Used(k) = Glucose(k) * Usage_Fraction(k); % Based on Euler?sformula
Glucose(k-1) = Glucose(k) + [Glucose_Released(k) - Glucose_Used(k)]*dt;
Please help!!
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 28 Apr 2021
Question edited to format code.
@Sudhaunsh Deshpande, looks like David hit the nail on the head. Let us know if you have any other questions.
Sudhaunsh Deshpande
Sudhaunsh Deshpande on 28 Apr 2021
It did kinda work, the values are now zero which means that my guy is dead, but hey atleast the damn thing runs!

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Accepted Answer

David Fletcher
David Fletcher on 28 Apr 2021
You have defined Glucose_Released as a scaler value
Glucose_Released = 110;
You are then trying to index it, which will cause an error
Sudhaunsh Deshpande
Sudhaunsh Deshpande on 16 May 2023
Pardon my text editing:)
for i=1: length (t) Glucose Used(i) = Glucose(i) * Usage_Fraction(i); Glucose(i+1) = Glucose(i) + (G lucose_Released(i) Glucose_Used(i)) *dt; Insulin breakdown(i) = Insulin(i)/k; Insulin(i+1) Insulin(1) [Insulin_Secreted(i) Insulin_breakdown (1)] *dt;
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 16 May 2023
You have
Glucose(i+1) = Glucose(i) + (G lucose_Released(i) Glucose_Used(i)) *dt
We can assume an accidental space,
Glucose(i+1) = Glucose(i) + (Glucose_Released(i) Glucose_Used(i)) *dt
but there needs to be something between Glucose_Released(i) and Glucose_Used(i)

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