kpss test command results

2 views (last 30 days)
mohammed on 22 Jul 2013
Hi how can I know the give data set is stationary or not for example Data_Airline data set is stationary?
i apply kpsstest command
[~,~,stat] = kpsstest(y,'lags',0:8,'trend',true)
I got the following results
stat =
0.2556 0.1506 0.1210 0.1118 0.1127 0.1195 0.1311 0.1486 0.1733

Answers (1)

Raul Andres Lopez Romero
Raul Andres Lopez Romero on 5 Feb 2018
you need others values for that, you need the p_Value and the c_Value to determinate if that series are stationay,
check this
then you have the Critical value and the stat value needs to be: stat<cValue


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