I need to create a 3d plot from an optimizer

2 views (last 30 days)
I have this prograsm
par0 = [0.005276, 0.5017, 88.6357];% initial values
fun_objetivo = @(par,pfrac)FunObjetivo(par);
options = optimset('MaxFunEvals',3000,'Display','iter','PlotFcns',@optimplotfval);
%We use here the Nelder-Mead method
par_optimos = fminsearch(fun_objetivo, par0, options);
and I want to create a 3d plot using meshgrid where x=par_optimos(1), y=par_optimos(2) and z the min f(x) in that stept of the iteration , but I don´t know how to do it.
Can someone please tell how to do it?
  1 Comment
Jorge Armando Vazquez
Jorge Armando Vazquez on 12 May 2021
I want a plot with a format similar to the one in this link
but I don´t understand the procedure to use with the optimizer. I really need help

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