Detect NaN from table

107 views (last 30 days)
Daphne PARLIARI on 24 May 2021
Commented: Daphne PARLIARI on 24 May 2021
Hello! I would like your help on my issue.
I have an excel file (see attached) that contains daily pollution data from 2006-2016. For the columns B to H I would like to find NaN values for each column, sum them, and in the end, store all these in a new table.
So far I have done this for column B:
[ii jj] = find(isnan(MoT20062016S1.SO2gm3));
outij = sortrows([ii jj]);
How can I expand outij to include columns C to H?
Thanks in advance!
PS. I'm on R2019a

Answers (1)

KSSV on 24 May 2021
A = [1 2 NaN 5 NaN] ;
idx = isnan(A) ;
KSSV on 24 May 2021
It is a loop, which picks each column of table depedning on the loop index.
Are you looking for nansum? Read about it.
Daphne PARLIARI on 24 May 2021
Let me explain it this way:
Ideally, I want a table (see outij.xlsx attached) that will contain the 7 columns I want to assess, and each column will have saved the positions where a NaN was detected.
E.g. For SO2, the first NaN was detected at place 201 of the original table, the second NaN at position 202 etc.

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