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RoadRunner: Where is Carla plugin located?

11 views (last 30 days)
Alexey Glazychev
Alexey Glazychev on 25 May 2021
Answered: Will Tripp on 1 Jun 2021
Hi, I'm using RoadRunner_R2021a trial version. I'm trying to import the map into Carla simulator. At the documentation page of Carla it is said that RoadRunner provides a plugin for UE4 which is located under /usr/bin/VectorZero/Tools/Unreal/Plugins however there is no scu folder.
Is it still packaged with RR and where do I find it?
Thank you,

Answers (1)

Will Tripp
Will Tripp on 1 Jun 2021
You can download the plugin from here:
This page describes how to integrate the plugin into CARLA:



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