Clear Filters
Clear Filters

Can someone help me to explain/understand this code

1 view (last 30 days)
if nargin==0, [file,pathname]=uigetfile('*.las'); else pathname=''; end;
if ischar(file)
k=0; header=''; colblock=0; datablock=0;
while ~datablock
if ~ischar(jline), break, end;
if any(strmatch('~A',upper(jline))), colblock=0; datablock=1; end;
if colblock&any(strmatch('~',upper(jline))), colblock=0; end;
if colblock & ~strcmp(jline(1),'#'),
k=k+1; colnames{k}=strtok(jline);
if any(strmatch('~CURVE',upper(jline))), colblock=1; datablock=0; end;
disp(' ');
disp(['Reading data for ' num2str(k) ' log curves from ' file])
data=reshape(data,[k length(data)/k])';
for k=1:length(colnames)
datastr = setfield(datastr,colnames{k},data(:,k));

Accepted Answer

Jan on 26 May 2021
This code imports a text file and parses its contents. It does not contain any comments, therefore it is not useful for productive work. Without a documentation the readers have to guess, what its intention is.
Some commands are strange:
if colblock&any(strmatch('~',upper(jline)))
When searching for the character ~, there is no reason to convert the char vector to uppercase. Simpler and nicer:
if colblock & strncmp(jline, '~', 1)
Or in modern Matlab versions prefer startsWith(jline, '~').
strmatch, setfield, strvcat - this is an old code using deprecated commands.
The best way to understand, what the code does is to open a .las file and step through the code line by line during it is running. Simply set a breakpoint in the first line and use the Step-Button in the debugger.
Nisar Ahmed
Nisar Ahmed on 26 May 2021
Hi Jan,
here are ther comments.
% Load LAS (Log Ascii Standard) formatted well log file
% FILE (optional): Input filename of file in LAS format.
% FILE should be character array within single quotes 'file'.
% Without input arguments displays dialogbox for file name.
% DATA: the numeric data matrix.
% COLNAMES: names of the columns as specified in file (cell array)
% HEADER: Header of the file as string matrix.
% DATASTR: Structure array containing HEADER and the COLNAMES as its fields.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 26 May 2021
if colblock&any(strmatch('~',upper(jline)))
That looks through upper(jline) to see if any of the characters in it are the ~ character.
if colblock & strncmp(jline, '~', 1)
That looks at the first character of jline to see if it is the ~ character. Not the same.
if colblock && ismember('~', jline)
would be better.

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