Huge Data file Import Export

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Saurav Agarwal
Saurav Agarwal on 6 Aug 2013
I have a huge data file as .txt. Each element is separated by a ; and each row by a new line character. The data has been generated by a c++ program. Now, the no. of columns in each row is not constant. I need to read each row in MATLAB. I converted the file to .xlsx and used the following code:
The command takes a lot of time to execute. The data is 30,000 X 500 approx.
1. How do I read the data in a faster way? I tried using csvread but could not implement it.
2. How do I implement the xlsread code in a loop? I need it to run from '2:2' to '30000:30000'. If I import the whole data, it causes memory failure.
3. In what format should I generate data from c++ so that it is fast to import in excel?
  1 Comment
Cedric on 6 Aug 2013
Edited: Cedric on 6 Aug 2013
A 3E4x3E4 matrix size in memory is 7.2GB if stored as double.
These huge files should be stored/managed using a binary format (your own, HDF5, netCDF, etc) if you wanted to be efficient.

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