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Importing .vec files

11 views (last 30 days)
Curtis Lam
Curtis Lam on 23 Jun 2021
Commented: Burak Gulsacan on 13 Sep 2021
I am trying to open multiple .vec files with importdata or readtable but it seems that this filetype is not supported. Is there any way to do this without having to convert the .vec files?
Curtis Lam
Curtis Lam on 28 Jun 2021
I found an addon that can load the .vec files. But thanks so much anyways
Burak Gulsacan
Burak Gulsacan on 13 Sep 2021
Hi Curtis,
Which Add-On did you install to import".vec" files? I used to be able to import with".vec" files but I don't what changed and caused me to get an error.

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