Application compiler: How do I pass a file as Command line Input type argument

13 views (last 30 days)
I am using Application compiler for generating a standalone application. I'm following the documenttaion available here
function m = magicsquare(n)
if ischar(n)
m = magic(n);
On the command line, I do !magicsquare 5, to run the executable.
But when I want to pass a file (e.g excel or json file) as an input argument while running the executable generated for my use case, how do I pass an input file?

Accepted Answer

Kojiro Saito
Kojiro Saito on 5 Aug 2021
File object itself cannot pass in command line, but you can pass file path.
Below is a sample code.
function myFileOpenTest(inputFileName)
result = isfile(inputFileName);
if result
t = readtable(inputFileName);
error('File not found')
You can run the exe with file name as an input argument.
myFileOpenTest.exe myData.xlsx
By default, standalone application does not show disp result in Command Prompt, so you need to uncheck the following option.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 16 Aug 2021
load() of a .mat file supports URLs but only for -v7.3 files, not for -v7 or -v5 .mat files.
The ability of readtable() to support URLs has been very convenient here on MATLAB Answers; the volunteers can now refer directly to the poster's attached file, instead of having to download the file and upload it to attach it to their own post.

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More Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 16 Aug 2021
You need to wrap your filename in single or double quotes, expecially if there is a space, otherwise it will think you're passing two arguments. You should be able to do
!magicsquare("c:/users/Deepa/my data.xlsx"); % Run the .exe file (not the m-file)


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