Function syntax / execution

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nathan stallworth
nathan stallworth on 16 Aug 2021
Commented: nathan stallworth on 17 Aug 2021
I am attempting to write this function and if I just run it the output is correct, however if i set the inputs in the command line to something else and then run it the same answer is provdied (pretty much ignored the input values in the command line and took the input from the input files). I am not very experienced with function wiriting so this will probably a rather trivial mistake.
Thank you
Stephen23 on 17 Aug 2021
"pretty much ignored the input values in the command line and took the input from the input files"
Note that the MATLAB Editor highlighted and underlined the two input arguments, telling you that they are unused:
When the Editor underlines something, you should pay attention to that message.
nathan stallworth
nathan stallworth on 17 Aug 2021
Understood, since they were used later on in the code I didn't understand why it said "unsued".
Thank you

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Answers (1)

dpb on 17 Aug 2021
" (pretty much ignored the input values in the command line and took the input from the input files)"
No "pretty much" about it -- there's no point in having the input arguments as you wrote the function; you hardcoded the file names into the function and read them into the two variables in the argument list, thereby overwriting them.
If the point is to read different sets of files and so the same thing on them, then pass the two file names to the function instead.
Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 17 Aug 2021
In that case your function should start with:
function [output] = binning_Func(file1, file2)
data_input = importdata(file1, ' ',1);
% Snip the rest of the function
When you call your function to test it define your actual data file names and pass them into your function.
file1 = 'C:\Users\NSTALLWORTH\Documents\Aegis\21 - end of FY Wrap\Output Data_og.xlsx';
file2 = 'C:\Users\NSTALLWORTH\Documents\Aegis\21 - end of FY Wrap\phandoff_altitude_bins.xlsx';
output = binning_Func(file1, file2);
When you call your function "for real" define file1 and file2 to contain the names of your real data files and then call binning_Func as before.
nathan stallworth
nathan stallworth on 17 Aug 2021
Okay this has been a great learning experience, I appreciate it!

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