Problem 59658. Update course numbers and abbreviations

Suppose that the educational institution where you teach purchases new software to handle many essential functions, including course management. For some reason, the software changes the numbers of courses and their subject abbreviations by adding a zero at the end of each course number and removing spaces from the subject abbreviation.
For example, the course COM S 227 Object-Oriented Programming would change to COMS 2270 Object-Oriented Programming and the course A M D 305 Quality Assurance of Textiles and Apparel would change to AMD 3050 Quality Assurance of Textiles and Apparel. Some course numbers are followed by letters (e.g., CYB E 436X Digital Forensics); in those cases, the extra zero precedes the letter (CYBE 4360X Digital Forensics.)
Write a function to change course numbers and abbreviations to conform to the new software.

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35.0% Correct | 65.0% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Apr 19, 2024

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