Delete some elements in the natural set and find the sum of the first n terms - MATLAB Cody - MATLAB Central

Problem 60735. Delete some elements in the natural set and find the sum of the first n terms

Delete the number (except 0,1) with a complete square number from the natural set of numbers, form a new set of numbers, find the sum of the first n terms of the number set, input n, and output S.For example,the simplest, the elements in this number set can not appear 4 and 9, and for example, 25, then like 325 or 251 or 2511 and other elements that are not in the number set, you may think that it is very simple, after all, the square number mantissa 0,1,4,5,6,9;0,1 excludes,4,9 is simple, and 5 because the mantissa is 5 square numbers will inevitably appear 25.The focus is still on the processing of 6, and the mantissa appears 6 is relatively more.(Also, "except for 0,1" means not to remove a number just because there are 0s or 1s, like 9 times 9 for 81, 10 times 10 for 100, you should remove them(81,100 etc)).

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83.33% Correct | 16.67% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Feb 12, 2025

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